SamTrans is taking a fresh look at the Dumbarton Corridor and is considering a variety of options, such as bus rapid transit, to activate this underutilized corridor in the near term. The project aims to bring fast, reliable, zero emission bus service as well as bicycle and pedestrian improvements to multiple Equity Priority Communities in East Palo Alto, Belle Haven (Menlo Park), Redwood City, and North Fair Oaks (unincorporated San Mateo County).
This work builds on previous efforts and will look at the feasibility and community interest in creating a high-quality, reliable and fast local transitway with options for regional connections.

Previous Studies
In 2018, SamTrans kicked off a process with Cross Bay Transit Partners, LLC (Facebook and Plenary Americas) to evaluative the technical and financial feasibility of a transit project along the Dumbarton rail bridge, connecting the Caltrain corridor at Redwood City to the East Bay. In Spring 2020, the project was put on hold due to the global pandemic. Facebook and SamTrans compiled and documented pre-environmental work of the alignment and technology options under consideration for the DRC Project.
This effort followed the completion of the 2017 Dumbarton Transportation Corridor Study, a feasibility study that evaluated potential multimodal transportation improvements within the Dumbarton Corridor.