Need a ride in Half Moon Bay, El Granada, East Palo Alto or Belle Haven? SamTrans has you covered.
Ride Plus is an on-demand service offering easy, affordable transportation for riders in Half Moon Bay, El Granada, East Palo Alto and the Belle Haven neighborhood of Menlo Park.
Download the app or call (650) 238-5880 to book your ride. SamTrans Ride Plus is an easy way to get anywhere within our Ride Plus zones.
Our new fleet of vehicles is on standby to pick you up for a gathering at the beach, a trip to the grocery store, or your morning commute — anywhere within our local service zones.
How to Ride
Ways to book your ride:
No smartphone? No problem! Simply visit the booking website, or call our Ride Plus Customer Service at 650-238-5880, and an agent will be happy to help you book a ride wherever you need to go within the service area.
Service Info
Leave the driving to us and relax on your way around town to shop, work, explore, or when transferring to SamTrans routes.
Ride Plus is a new shared-ride service that can take you anywhere within Half Moon Bay, East Palo Alto, and the Belle Haven neighborhood of Menlo Park.
How It Works
It’s Easy! Download the SamTrans Ride Plus app and create an account. No smartphone? Visit the website or call the number below.
Book a ride
Use the app, book online at or call 650-238-5880 and let us know your preferred:
- pickup time
- pickup location
- destination or drop-off location.
Track in Real-Time
Use the app to track your vehicle in real-time and receive notifications.
Board, Pay, Ride.
Pay with cash (exact change), Clipper, or bus pass.
When Can I Use Ride Plus?
East Palo Alto (EPA)/Belle Haven: 6 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Half Moon Bay: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
You can book online or use the mobile app 24/7 or reserve your trip with a phone call any time between 6 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Give SamTrans Ride Plus a try on your next commute, neighborhood errand, or to connect to regular bus service. Trips must start and end in the defined zone.
Interested in traveling outside the service zones?
Transfer to regular SamTrans bus service within the Ride Plus zone.
Contact Information by Phone
Book Your Trip: 650-238-5880
Operating Hours: 6 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Déjenos conducir a nosotros y relájese en su recorrido de la ciudad para ir de compras, trabajar, explorar o hacer trasbordo a las rutas de SamTrans. Ride Plus es un nuevo servicio de viajes compartidos que puede llevarlo a cualquier lugar de Half Moon Bay, East Palo Alto y el vecindario Belle Haven de Menlo Park.
Cómo Funciona
Ride Plus se puede usar con un teléfono inteligente o sin él.
¡Es muy fácil! Descargue la aplicación SamTrans Ride Plus y cree una cuenta. ¿No tiene un teléfono inteligente? Visite el sitio web o llame al número a continuación.
Reserve un viaje. Use la aplicación, reserve en línea en o llame al 650-238-5880 y díganos:
- la hora en que desea que pasemos por usted,
- el lugar donde debemos ir a buscarlo y
- el lugar de destino o donde debemos dejarlo.
Seguimiento en tiempo real. Use la aplicación para hacer un seguimiento de su vehículo en tiempo real y recibir notificaciones relevantes.
Suba, pague y viaje. Pague con efectivo (cambio exacto), tarjeta Clipper o pase de autobús.
¿Cuándo puedo usar Ride Plus?
East Palo Alto (EPA)/Belle Haven: 6:00a – 10:00p
Half Moon Bay: 8:00a – 5:00p
Puede reservar en línea o con la aplicación móvil las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, o reservar su viaje con una llamada telefónica en cualquier momento entre las 6:00 a.m. y las 10:00 p.m. Pruebe SamTrans Ride Plus en su próximo viaje diario, en algo que tenga que hacer en el vecindario o para conectarse al servicio de autobús regular. Los viajes deben comenzar y terminar en la zona definida.
¿Le interesa viajar fuera de las zonas de servicio? ¡Conéctese a los autobuses de SamTrans! Visite o llame al 1-800-660-4287 para solicitar servicios de planificación de viajes.
Información de contacto por teléfono
Reserve su viaje: 650-238-5880
Horario de operación: 6:00a – 10:00p
Tu’u mai le foeuli ia matou ae faamaepaepa oe i lau malaga faataamilo i le taulaga mo faatauga, galuega, matamata, po’o le sui atu i itulagi o malaga a le SamTrans. O le Ride Plus o se tautua fou e faasoa faatasi ma isi e mafai ona ave oe i so’o se mea i totonu o Half Moon Bay, East Palo Alto, ma le Belle Haven ma le tuaoi o Menlo Park.
Auala e Faia Ai
E mafai ona e fa’aaogaina le Ride Plus pe a iai po’o lē leai foi o se smartphone.
E Faigofie! Si’i i lalo le SamTrans Ride Plus app ma fai sau akauni (account). Pe a leai se smartphone? Asiasi i le uepesite (website) pe telefoni le numera o i lalo.
Faatonu se Malaga. Fa’aaoga le app, faatonu i le pe telefoni le 650-238-5880 ma faailoa mai ia matou le mea ete mana’o ai:
- taimi e piki ai,
- nofoaga e piki ai, m
- taunuuga po’o le nofoaga e tu
Track in Real-Time (Iloa Moni le Vaipanoa o Iai). Fa’aaoga le app ina ia iloa pe o fea le vaipanoa o iai lau taavale ma maua mai ai faamatalaga aoga
Ulufale, Totogi, Malaga. Totogi i tupe (aofaiga sa’o o le tupe), Clipper, po’o pepa faataga mo le pasi.
O le ā le Taimi e Mafai ona Ou Fa’aaogaina ai le Ride Plus?
East Palo Alto (EPA)/Belle Haven: 6:00a – 10:00p
Half Moon Bay: 8:00a – 5:00p
E mafai ona faatonu i le inetineti, pe fa’aaoga le app mopili 24/7 pe faatonu lau malaga i le telefoni atu i so’o se taimi i le va o le 6:00 a.m. i le 10:00 p.m.Tago e tofo le SamTrans Ride Plus ma faata’ita’i i le isi au femalagaa’iga, malaga i au fe’au i tuaoi, po’o le faafesoota’i atu i auaunaga masani ai a isi pasi. E ao ona amata ma faai’u malaga i totonu o le sone faatulagaina.
Faamatalaga e Faafesoota’i ai i le Telefoni
Faatonu Lau Malaga: 650-238-5880
Itula Faigaluega: 6:00a – 10:00p
把开车的事交给我们,在您去城里购物、上班、探索或转乘 SamTrans 线路时,可以放松一下。Ride Plus 是一项新的共享出行服务,可以带您到 Half Moon Bay、East Palo Alto 和 Menlo Park 的 Belle Haven 社区的任何地方。
无论有或没有智能手机,您都可以使用 Ride Plus。
很简单!下载 SamTrans Ride Plus 应用程序并创建一个账户。没有智能手机?请访问网站或拨打下面的电话
预约乘车。使用应用程序, 在 上预订,或致电 650-238-5880, 告知我们您的首选:
- 接载时间,
- 接载地点和
- 目的地或下车地点。
实时追踪。使用该应用程序实时追 踪您所乘车辆,并收到相关通知。
上车、付款、乘车。用现金零钱 (不设找零)、Clipper 或公交 卡支付。
我什么时候可以使用 Ride Plus?
East Palo Alto (EPA)/Belle Haven: 上午 6:00 – 晚上 10:00
Half Moon Bay: 上午 8:00 – 下午 5:00
您可以在网上或使用移动应用程序全天候 24 小时预订,或在上午 6 点至晚上 10 点之间的任何时间打电话预订行程。
在您下一次通勤,邻里跑腿,或转乘常规巴士服务时,试试 SamTrans Ride Plus。行程必须在规定的服务区开始和结束。
预订行程预订行程: 650-238-5880
工作时间: 上午 6:00 - 晚上 10:00
交由我們來為您駕駛,在前往市區購物、 工作、遊覽或轉乘 SamTrans 路線時盡情放鬆。Ride Plus 是一項新的共乘服務,可將您送往 Half Moon Bay、East Palo Alto 和 Menlo Park 的 Belle Haven 地區內的任何地方。
無論有沒有智能手機,您都可以使用 Ride Plus 服務。
簡單方便!簡單方便! 下載 SamTrans Ride Plus 應用程式並建立帳戶。沒有智能手機瀏覽以下網站或者致電以下號碼即可。
預約乘車預約乘車。使用應用程式、前往 線上預約,或致電 650-238-5880,請告知我們您的以下偏好:
- 上車時間、時間、
- 上車地點地點和
- 目的地目的地或下車地點。
即時追蹤即時追蹤。使用應用程式即時追 蹤車輛位置,並接收相關通知。
上車、付款、出行上車、付款、出行。使用確切金額 的現金(不設找續)、Clipper 卡或公車通行票付款。
何時可以使用何時可以使用 Ride Plus?
East Palo Alto (EPA)/Belle Haven: 上午 6:00 – 晚上 10:00
Half Moon Bay: 上午 8:00 – 晚上 5:00
您可以隨時上網或使用行動應用程式預 約,也可以在上午 6:00 至晚上 10:00 之間的任何時間致電預約行程。
在下次通勤、前往社區辦事或需要轉乘 公車服務時,嘗試使用 SamTrans Ride Plus。行程的開始和結束位置必須位於已界定的服務區域內。
預約行程預約行程: 650-238-5880
營運時間: 上午 6:00 – 晚上 10:00
Fiemalie pea tukuange ‘a e faka’uli kiate kimautolu ka ke takai holo ‘i lotokolo ‘o fakatau, ngaue, ‘eva, pe ko ha hiki ‘o ‘alu he hala’anga ‘o e SamTrans. Ko e Ride Plus ko ha founga-fo’ou ‘o ha sevesi pea ‘oku faingofua, ma’ama’a ki he fononga ‘a e kau heka ‘i Half Moon Bay, East Palo Alto pea mo Belle Haven he feitu’u ‘o Menlo Park
Oku anga fēfē hono faka’aonga’i?
Te ke lava ‘o faka’aonga’i ‘a e Ride Plus ‘aki ha smartphone pe ta’ema’u ha smartphone.
‘Oku faingofua! Taunilouti ‘a e polokalama app SamTrans Ride Plus pea fokotu’u ha’o ‘akauni. ’Ikai ma’u ha smartphone? ‘A’ahi ki he uepisaiti pe telefoni ki he fika ‘i lalo.
Ta’ofi ha’o heka. Faka’aonga’i ‘a e app, ta’ofi he ‘initaneti he pe telefoni ki he 650-238-5880 pea ke talamai:
- taimi heka,
- feitu’u te ke heka mei ai mo e
- feitu’u pe ko e feitu’u ‘e ‘ave koe ki ai
‘Ilo’i taimi-totonu. Faka’aonga’i ‘a e app ke ‘ilo’i ai ‘a e feitu’u ho me’alele te ke heka ai pea ma’u mo ha toe ngaahi fakamatala.
Heka, Totongi, Fononga. Totongi pa’anga (‘ikai ha fetongi pa’anga), Clipper, pe ko ha pasi paasi.
Ko fē taimi teu Faka’aonga’i ai ‘a e Ride Plus?
East Palo Alto (EPA)/Belle Haven: 6:00a – 10:00p
Half Moon Bay: 8:00a – 5:00p
Te ke lava ‘o ta’ofi he ‘initaneti pe faka’aonga’i ‘a e polokalama he telefoni to’oto 24/7 pe ko ha ta’ofi ho heka ‘aki ha’o telefoni he vaha’a taimi 6:00 a.m. ki he 10:00 p.m.
‘Ahi’ahi’i ‘a e SamTrans Ride Plus he taimi te ke fononga atu ai, talafekau holo he kaunga’api, pe ko ha’o fetu’utaki mo e sevesi ‘o e ngaahi pasi lele anga maheni. Kuopau ke kamata mo ngata ho fononga he ngaahi feitu’u kuo fokotu’u.
Fetu’utaki ki ha Fakamatala ‘aki ‘a e Telefoni
Ta’ofi ha’o heka: 650-238-5880
Houa Ngaue: 6:00a – 10:00p
What is SamTrans "Ride Plus"?
Ride Plus is a new service offering easy, affordable transportation for users in Half Moon Bay, East Palo Alto and the Belle Haven neighborhood of Menlo Park. Simply download the app, visit or call (650) 238-5880.
How is Ride Plus different from current bus service?
Ride Plus comes when and where you need it. Book your ride up to seven days in advance. As long as your request is within the service area and hours, Ride Plus can take you anywhere; including to bus routes 117 and 294 (HMB) or 280, 281 and 296 (EPA/Belle Haven), the grocery store, events, activities, or your job. Like normal SamTrans buses, your trip may be a shared ride.
How much does it cost?
Expect to pay the same low price you pay for regular bus service. Unlike Lyft, Uber, taxis, etc., the cost is fixed and will not vary depending on distance traveled.

How do transfers between Ride Plus and regular bus routes work?
It’s the same as transferring between fixed routes today. Clipper and SamTrans mobile app users will have free two-hour transfers.
When can I use Ride Plus?
This new on-demand, curb-to-curb public transit is available any day of the week.
- For East Palo Alto and Belle Haven, service is available between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
- For the service area of Half Moon Bay, rides are available between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00p.m.
What if I don’t have a way to download the app?
No smartphone? No problem.
Reserve your trip with a phone call to 650-238-5880 between 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. or book online at
For questions or feedback, contact us at